Chemical Peel | Pre Treatment

Dermaplaning, although optional, is an included service with your chemical peel

If you wish to recieve dermaplaning during your treatment, these products/services should be AVOIDED FOR AT LEAST 7-10 DAYS PRIOR to treatment

  1. Aggressive “at-home” treatments (ex: peels, exfoliating masks, enzyme treatments etc)

  2. Over the counter & prescription retinoids (ex: Retin-A/Tretinoin, Differin Gel/Adapalene, Tazorac/Tazarotene, EpiDuo, Refissa, Renova etc)

  3. Retinol alternatives/Vitamin A derived products (ex: bakuchiol, pumpkin based products)

  4. AHA/BHA products (ex: glycolic, salicylic), peel pads, “brightening” pads etc.

  5. Benzoyl Peroxide

  6. Facial waxing (ex: brows, upper lip, cheeks etc) or depilatory creams (ex. Nair, etc)

  7. Dermaplaning at home

  8. Prolonged sun exposure! Sunburns/fresh tans will not be treated. 

If you DO NOT wish to recieve dermaplaning, please avoid the above for AT LEAST 3-5 DAYS PRIOR to treatment

GENTLEMEN - if you shave regularly, please do so AT LEAST 24 HOURS BEFORE treatment. DO NOT shave the day-of.  

NEUROMODULATORS (ex: Botox/Dysport etc) - Avoid any facial treatments for AT LEAST 14 DAYS AFTER all injections.

FILLERS (ex" Restylane/Juvederm etc) - Avoid any facial treatments for AT LEAST 3-4 WEEKS AFTER all filler injections. 

COLD SORES (HSV) - If you have a strong history of HSV (cold sores), it is strongly recommended to take Valtrex/Valacyclovir prior to treatment. Doing so will reduce the likelihood of an outbreak due to your treatment, especially chemical peels.

Chemical peel treatments result in minimal downtime. You may experience slight redness, tingling, peeling, flaking or temporary dryness. Everyone peels differently; some have "sheet" peeling, and some have "dandruff" style flakes. There is no "right' or "wrong" way to peel. 

PLEASE NOTE: You may not experience peeling or flaking from your chemical peel. This occurs as you continuously use quality skincare products and receive professional peel treatments regularly. Your skin will still receive the benefits of the acids applied to reveal your brightest most beautiful you! 

Should you have any questions at all please reach out to me at the office (704) 253-4511 or email :)