Orchid Lite | Pre Treatment

These products/treatments should be AVOIDED FOR AT LEAST 3-5 DAYS PRIOR to treatment:

  1. Aggressive “at-home” treatment (ex: peels, exfoliating masks, enzyme treatments etc.)

  2. Over the counter & prescription retinoids (ex: Retin-A/Tretinoin, Differin Gel/Adapalene, Tazorac/Tazarotene, EpiDuo, Refissa, Renova etc)

  3. Retinol alternatives/Vitamin A derived products (ex: bakuchiol, pumpkin based products)

  4. AHA/BHA products (ex: glycolic, salicylic), peel pads, “brightening” pads etc.

  5. Benzoyl Peroxide

  6. Facial waxing (ex: brows, upper lip, cheeks etc) or depilatory creams (ex. Nair, etc)

  7. Dermaplaning at home. Please avoid doing so for AT LEAST 7 DAYS PRIOR to treatment

  8. Pronlonged sun exposure. Sunburns/fresh tans will not be treated

GENTLEMEN - if you shave regularly, please do so AT LEAST 24 HOURS BEFORE treatment. DO NOT shave the day-of. 

NEUROMODULATORS (ex: Botox/Dysport etc) - Avoid any facial treatments for AT LEAST 14 DAYS AFTER all injections.

FILLERS (ex: Restylane/Juvederm etc) -  Avoid any facial treatments for AT LEAST 3-4 WEEKS AFTER all filler injections. 

COLD SORES (HSV) - If you have a strong history of HSV (cold sores), it is strongly recommended to take Valtrex/Valacyclovir prior to treatment. Doing so, will reduce the likelihood of an outbreak due to your treatment.

This facial treatment is customized for safety during pregnancy & tailored for gentlemen clients.

Should you have any questions at all please reach out to me at the office (704) 253-4511 or email info@ironorchidskin.com :)